Sunday, October 18, 2009


i know and we all know what is the TRULYFRIENDSHIP act.
i choose you to be my TOPFRIEND course i know you're the best FRIEND that i never had,
FRIEND is like candy,
sometimes is sweet,
sometimes is bitter,
but trust me,if i choose you to be my TOPFRIEND i'll never let you go just like that,
because you're the best buddies,
thanks course be my BFF<3
alifah ilyana bt yusof<3
cik adhlyn syafinaz bt che azmin<3
nur syahirah aqilah bt islam<3
nur farahin syafika bt husin<3
farah nabila bt kazwa<3
raja faizatul amira bt raja faizal<3

i try to improve my english okeh;)

hey everyone;)

saturday 18/10/09')
td pegi anta mama kt kl sentral,mama na flyy g london.awwwchh jeles.ehee;)
rmai kot org kt kl sentral uhh.grr pning aku.
then aku anta mama smpai kt bus,then after da anta uhh dye na msok bus da.then mama ckp cmni kt aku

mama;k bubbye,mama pegi dlu eyh,jgn lupe kms rumah tau,lipat kaen,bsuh bju
eyka;yelaaah,k bubbye.eyh ma jgn lupe bli beg auw.hhee;)
mama;hah yelaah.
lamaa tuh mama g weeks.awwwww;)
im gonna miss you.weeee;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

raye raye;)

smlm g raye umh alyn.whoo best doe!haha
aku and alifah jea ygg g rye umh alyn..
smpai smpai jea umh alyn minah tuh x mandy lg!
haiyoo alyn.hurm ta ksahlah..
then trpkse laa tnggu dy siap jp.
then minum2 and snap2 gmba jelaaa.
after ktorank rye umh alyn,then alyn ajk g umah member lmee dy kt slayng.
ktorank ikot jealaaa.mcm jejak kasih da aku tgok alyn and member dy neh.haha
best laa alyn member kw!sporting babe.hha;)
then g rye umh org laen plak.lps maghrib parents alyn ambek ktorank.and blek.
alifah alyn nor sayangggg korank!

Friday, October 9, 2009


smlm ary jumaat kne schl.hurrggh sumpa mlss na pegi.then tetibe jea dwank ckp na pegi so pegi jeala.then grk nan alifaa g schl.smpai jea schl ktowank tgok cm ta schl jea.sunyi glea tade org!haha.then aftr smpai aku and alifaa nmpk farah dgn hanisah and ktowank pegi laa kt dwank.mak ai rjin glea korank buat keje.huhh!
then farah ckp kt alifa 'wey alifaa jp g raje na coll kw'alifaa pon ckp oke.then raje coll.
ta smpai 5 minit cmtu alyn and raje smpai.alifaa g tarik tngan aku soh menyorok.aku pon ikot jeala.ta pasal pasal aku kne uat kje bodoh neh.menyorok kt blakang surau plak tuh.haha.adoi kw neh.
then aftr ktorank mnyorok raje and alyn pnggil.haduh korank neh..
lps tuh ktorank msok class lmbt skit.bknye ade org pown.
lps msok lab(class tabole gne.pmr laa)blaja skit2 then berckap ckp laa smpai blek.
si farah tuh plak asyik buat lwk bodo raje plak ngan prangai plik dy sumpah lwk.ktorank bhn2 alyn laa.haha.adoi korank neh.then balek laa;)
wey korank ;alifaa,alyn,fara,raje iloveyouuuuuuu<3

Thursday, October 8, 2009

merepek repek;)

wht colour of shirt you wearing nw?

last text?

asl na tau?

last person who call you?
alyn.dye tuh mmg.

last hang out?
smlm(open house)

wht you want to say nw?
im bored!

wht you hear nw?
bunyi kipas.haha

sitting or jump?
sleeping btter.

are'you crying nw?

are'you admire someone?
it secret!

hp is that important to you?
yes of course!

sbb dy pnting.haha

lazy nw?

you want to say bye bye?
bye bye guys;)

heal yeah!hee;)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

open house;)7october2009

hell yeah!opps hey!haha
td kt umah norwannoraida idris or aida ataupon nurwan adea buat open house.
best laa td dgn aida!ohh bestfriend;)
td raje ambk kt rumah then tros pegi rumah aida.
lpss smpai jea ktorank naek blik aida jp then trun blek.
after that ape lgg mkn la kan.prot dala na pcah neh ta mkn dri pagi.hee;)
eyh sdp laa mee hun sup aida neh.tmbah 2 kali ohh.hee;)
lpss mkn minom laa kn;)
then ktorank sme capture2 gmba;)
whoaa best doee;)
then dwank sme da blek just tnggl aku and aida saje;)
then mcm pkol 4 cm2 aku text mama suro ambk kt umh aida.
mcm pkol 6.30 cmtu mama ambek then balek laa;)
norwannoraida idris!iloveyouuuu girlfriendddd;)